During this time of economic hardship, we hope some of the following resources can be of help.
Health Insurance:
If you lose health insurance, you may be eligible to apply for Obamacare/ACA during a newly enacted open enrollment period:
Loan/Mortgage Forbearance:
There may be an opening to request forbearance on mortgage payments and other consumer loans. You should ask creditors for forbearance during this time of Covid-19 and to do so in writing and to ask specifically what programs or benefits the lender has to offer in light of the coronavirus:
The Federal Housing Finance Agency has this information available regarding loan forbearance:
Cell Phone and Internet Services:
Some telecom companies have programs to keep folks connected if they cannot pay their bill.
Water and Vital Utilities
If you cannot pay their water or electric bill, ask your utility provider, municipal government, or state regulatory agency whether targeted relief is available.