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Knee Meniscus Repair

An injury to your knee can seriously impact your daily life and ability to work. If you’ve experienced a serious knee injury while working for your Georgia employer, you may need a procedure such as a meniscus repair. To better know if a meniscus repair is right for you, keep reading to learn more about the specifics of this surgery, the potential benefits and risks, and how a meniscus repair can fit into your recovery plan.

Whether you’ve experienced a new injury at your Georgia workplace, or notice a connection between new problems and your work history, it’s important to make sure that your Georgia employer and their insurance provider are offering you the benefits that you deserve for your injuries. This can be difficult to handle alone, but one of our Georgia workers’ compensation lawyers at Gearhart Law Group can help you move forward with confidence.

What is a Meniscus Repair?

A meniscus repair is surgery used to repair a torn knee meniscus. The menisci are two C-shaped pieces of cartilage in the knee joint that cushion and help stabilize the knee during movement and impact. A tear can occur due to an acute injury or from degenerative changes over time.

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During a meniscus repair, your surgeon will make an incision in your knee to access the meniscus. Using a combination of tools, they’ll be able to view the tear and determine the best course of action based on what they can see. Depending on the size and location of the tear, they may be able to trim off any damaged portions or stitch it together with sutures. If too much of the meniscus has been damaged, they may need to remove it entirely – this is called a meniscectomy.

Recovery time after a meniscus repair can vary depending on the severity of your tear and the type of procedure you had. In many cases recovery will take around three months, although some people will recover faster or slower than others. It’s important to follow your surgeon’s specific instructions after surgery to ensure proper healing and minimize the risk of re-injury.

What is a Meniscus Repair Used To Treat?

A meniscus repair is used to treat tears in the menisci of the knee. These tears can happen to the inner (medial) meniscus or outer (lateral) meniscus. Tears in knee cartilage can occur due to sudden forces, such as landing wrong from a jump or being tackled during sports, or from repetitive stresses over time during work activities such as bending, lifting, and twisting.

Because meniscus injuries are the result of sudden or repetitive bending, lifting, and twisting, those working in certain professions may be more at risk. For example, a construction worker may be more likely to experience a meniscus tear because they are frequently required to kneel and twist while working on a job site.

A meniscus tear will cause pain when walking, swelling around the knee joint, difficulty bending or straightening your leg fully, and may include a popping sensation when moving your knee. Some people also report “catching” that occurs when kneeling down that prevents standing back up. If left untreated, meniscus tears can lead to faster wear on other structures in the knee and potentially contribute to conditions like arthritis. Many people who experience a meniscus tear know that something is wrong and are likely to seek medical attention.

Is Meniscus Repair Surgery Safe?

Meniscus repair surgery is generally considered to be a relatively safe and routine procedure, although there are some potential risks and complications that should be considered. In some cases, the damaged meniscus may not be able to be repaired and must instead be removed entirely, which can lead to other problems down the road. In addition, there is always a risk of infection, nerve damage, or blood clotting after surgery. It’s important to talk with your doctor before surgery to discuss all possible complications and how you may be more at risk based on your health history.

Common side effects that occur after a meniscus repair surgery include pain, swelling, stiffness and numbness in the knee joint. Many of these are temporary and will go away as the surgical area heals. However, it’s still important to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully after surgery to help optimize your initial recovery. During this initial recovery you may also be asked to take certain medications, apply ice and elevate your knee, or wear a knee brace for additional support. It’s also important to avoid putting any unnecessary strain on the joint until it has fully healed, so crutches are often prescribed for the first few days after surgery.

Will I Need Other Treatments?

In addition to the initial recovery period after a meniscus repair, you may need additional treatments to help with proper healing. In many cases, physical therapy is recommended to restore strength and range of motion in the knee joint. This will help to ensure proper healing and reduce the risk of re-injury in the long term. You may also need to modify certain activities or avoid certain movements, such as squatting or kneeling, while your knee is healing.

Returning to work may involve modifications or restrictions depending on the type of job you have. For many people, returning to light duty work for a period of time is helpful for a gradual return to work after surgery. For best results, your doctor can provide guidance and recommendations based on your individual situation. It’s important to follow any guidelines provided by your surgeon, doctor, and physical therapist in order to minimize the risk of re-injury and ensure proper healing. With the right treatment and care, many people are able to make a full recovery from a meniscus tear or repair surgery.

If you think you may have experienced an injury to your knee, it’s important to speak with your doctor for diagnosis and treatment recommendations. A meniscus tear can often be successfully treated with lifestyle modifications or physical therapy. However, in more serious cases a meniscus repair surgery may be necessary. With proper care and the right recovery plan, you can get back to your normal activities with confidence.

Getting important treatments covered for your workplace knee injury can be challenging without legal representation, so it’s important to find the best workers’ compensation attorney available to get the benefits you need.

Contact an Atlanta Injury Attorney

The Georgia workers’ compensation lawyers at The Gearhart Law Group represent victims of work-related injuries and assist them in receiving workers’ compensation benefits. Our lawyers understand how your employer and their workers’ compensation insurance companies try to save money by either denying your claim or by underpaying your claim. We know how to fight any objections they may have and pursue all the Georgia workers’ compensation benefits you deserve. Call us now so we can evaluate your individual case and advise you of your next legal steps as well as ensuring you are receiving the best medical care for your injuries.

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