Every year in Georgia, thousands of workers suffer unavoidable workplace injuries. And when one gets injured on the job, they must seek medical attention and immediately notify their employer to be compensated for the injury. The employer will then file a preliminary report of occupational injury with the office of workers’ compensation besides their insurance provider.

Workers’ compensation is a powerful insurance policy that can save your job and money if you suffer an unavoidable workplace injury. But unfortunately, not all your compensation claims go through smoothly. There can be delays in processing benefits, making receiving  benefits more complicated for the injured worker.

What Causes Delays in Workers’ Compensation Payments?

There are a variety of causes for subsequent delays of your workers’ compensation.

The most common ones include:

Filing Delays by Your Employer

The issue could originate at the start of the communication chain, for example, if your employer did not notify the insurance on time. You may also have taken too long to seek medical attention or report to your employer or your supervisor.

You Made Errors

The delays might be due to your own mistakes. The priority should be notifying your employer on time. Even if the law allows for an extended period, you should not wait that long.

Inconsistencies in Your Paperwork

The insurance company may need more time to look into your claim if there are inaccuracies with the paperwork.

Dispute Over Cause of the Injury

The insurance company may also need more time if it disputes the cause of your injury or if the injury is work-related. For instance, these conflicts are prevalent when you file a claim for an occupational sickness or an aggravation of a pre-existing ailment.


The insurance company may take a more extended period to get your claim because of being short-handed and overburdened. Delays with the insurance company might also result from insufficient training or clerical errors.

Get Your Workers’ Compensation Benefits Processed Faster Today

It is the legal obligation of your employer and insurer to acknowledge your workers’ compensation claim as soon as possible. If your workers’ compensation benefits are delayed, and you want to know what you can do to help things move forward fast and get your benefits as soon as possible, you have come to the right place.

Gearhart Law Group is waiting to help your case go quickly and ensure you receive all of your benefits.

If you’re looking to file your workers’ compensation claim, we can also help you avoid the painstaking procedure and focus on getting your health back. The truth is, insurance firms are more knowledgeable in matters of dealing with claims, and you’d be putting yourself at a disadvantage by filing your compensation claim on your own.

Let our experienced workers’ compensation attorneys handle all this for you, and you’ll be guaranteed a smooth compensation claim process.

Visit our website today to book a free consultation.

What exactly is workers’ compensation?

Workers’ compensation is an accident-paid insurance policy paid by your employer that may cover you if you are injured on the job.

How can I tell if my company is covered by workers’ compensation?

It is required by law that a company with more than three employees (including regular part time employees)  must have workers’ compensation insurance.

When is the right time to report a work-related injury?

You should report to your employer or supervisor immediately.