Atlanta Workers Comp Doctors Determine Return to Work

How do Atlanta workers comp doctors determine your return to work?  Sometimes, the focus of the work comp doctor on the physicians panel is determining how fast you can return to work.  This release to work focus drives the Atlanta work comp doctors’ decisions in many cases.  Workers Comp doctors on the physicians panel are under an immense amount of pressure from the employers and insurers to facilitate a quick return to work.  Of course, anyone who is able to return to work should return to work as quickly as possible.  However, the problem arises when the doctor is pressured to release someone to either light duty or regular-duty work and they are still not healed.

Video – Atlanta Workers Comp Doctors – Panel of Physicians

Injured workers have the right to choose their own doctor from a panel of physicians.  Most injured workers are sent to emergency rooms or urgent care centers by their employers.  However, injured workers have rights to choose their doctor from a valid panel of physicians.  Watch this video to learn the process and rights under your work injury claim.

New Rules in Georgia Workers’ Compensation

The State Board of Workers’ Compensation enacted a new rule which allows workers’ comp case managers to communicate with physicians on claims that are non‑catastrophic.  Also, this discussion resulted in several articles.  The primary goal of the nurse case manager is your return to work.   More often than not the first question that they ask is

“can the claimant return to work?”  There are new guidelines that the nurse case managers must follow, however, many times they are not.  This is new and unchartered territory which is causing much confusion and frustration for everyone involved in representing injured workers.  However, workers’ compensation attorney request nurse case managers adherence of the Board rules. Hopefully, they participate in meetings with the doctors and follow the process.

Workers’ Compensation Doctors in Atlanta

Typically, treating physicians on the panel want you to return to work regardless of your health.  Therefore, they have a vested interest in retaining this business and keeping the employer and insurer happy.  Their vested interest is not necessarily your well-being.  I have heard many doctors say “workers’ comp won’t let me” or “I have to release him to light-duty work per the insurance company.”  This is not the case and insurance companies should not be dictating your care.  This is why it is very important to have a skilled workers comp lawyer at your side.  Contact Beth Gearhart for a free consultation and no cost to learn your rights and options.