New Case Management Rules in Georgia

As of January 1, 2016, there are new case management rules in Georgia for non-catastrophic cases. Previously, we advised against consenting to ongoing nurse case management in a non-catastrophic case.  However, in cases involving non‑catastrophic injuries, you do not have to agree to a nurse case manager on your case.  Sometimes, the nurse case manager attends doctor’s appointments, but this doesn’t mean you need to agree with them.

New Workers’ Compensation Rules Overview

Board Rule Amended

Georgia Workers’ Compensation Board Rule 200.2 amended, as of January 1, 2016, changes things.  Specifically, you must give written consent for any medical case manager to work with you.  Finally, a requirement for written consent when attending any medical appointment.  However, consent is not required for the nurse case manager to contact the treating physician.  Finally, this is true if the contact purpose categorization includes assessing, planning, implementing, or evaluating the options required to effect a cure or provide relief.


New Case Management Rules Impact

This is a very significant change in the Board rules.  Essentially, nurse case managers work behind the scenes.  Nurse meetings with doctors and excluding the injured worker and their attorney becomes common.  Unfortunately, the nurse case manager concerns about injured worker’s health end.  Also, new concerns about releasing injured workers to regular duty work begin.  As a result, this new case management rule changes things significantly.  As a result, it is more important to obtain a workers’ compensation attorney as quickly as possible following a work-related injury.

Rule 200.2 Rule Amendments  [Source – Georgia Workers Compensation Board Rules]

  • Non-catastrophic cases in the State of Georgia fall under Rule 200.2.
    • Verbal consent is required to work and talk to injured workers (via phone).
    • Written document follow-up must be sent to the client documenting that verbal consent for case management.
  • Written consent is required for in person meetings and doctors appointments.

Consent Notification

  • Consent is Always Required 
    • Injured worker consent is required if the case manager works with an injured worker.
    • Injured workers require written consent when the case manager intends to attend any medical appointment.
    • The case manager can obtain written consent and this is a common practice.
    • The injured worker must receive written notification that consent may be refused/withdrawn at any time.

Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Beth Gearhart, workers’ compensation attorney, brings over 15 years experience to her practice.  Beth built a career analyzing and changes in Georgia workers’ compensation law.  So, call today to learn more about the new case management rules and learn how it impacts your claim.  Beth is unique in Georgia work comp law because she listens and cares about all of her clients.  Finally, contact Beth at 404 445 8370 via phone or provide your contact info for a callback below.