Neck pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal problems, and neck injuries are common in the workplace. While accident-related neck injuries can happen at your Georgia workplace, chronic neck pain is becoming increasingly prevalent due to a significant rise in computer usage in recent years. If you believe that you have suffered an injury at your workplace, contact one of our workers’ compensation lawyers at Gearhart Law Group.
The workers’ compensation system is complicated, and the process of connecting your injury to your current Georgia workplace or work history can be both challenging and frustrating. However, you can rest assured that our specialized workers’ compensation lawyers will make sure your case is handled properly and effectively.
Can I Experience a Neck Injury at My Georgia Workplace?
Unfortunately, neck injuries are common and could happen to anyone while performing work duties. However, work that emphasizes activities like overhead lifting, heavy carrying, or excessive computer use increases the risk of developing a neck injury. This is because these activities can cause repetitive stress to the joints of your neck, and usually involve increased risk of work-related accidents. Some professions more likely to experience neck injuries include construction workers, painters, assembly line workers, and receptionists.
At Gearhart Law Group we proudly represent these workplace-related Neck Injuries:
- Arthritis
- Degenerative Disk Disease
- Cervical Radiculopathy
- Cervical Fractures
- Disk Herniation
- Spondylolisthesis or Retrolisthesis
If you’ve suffered a neck injury at your Georgia workplace, or think your workplace is the cause of your current neck injury, contact the Georgia workers’ compensation lawyers at Gearhart Law Group. We can give you the representation that you need, help get you the best treatment for your recovery, and make sure your Georgia employer gives you the benefits that you deserve.
What Neck Injuries Can Happen At My Georgia Workplace?
Your cervical spine, commonly referred to as your neck, is the upper division of your spine that connects your head to your shoulders. The neck is made up of seven bones, called vertebrae, which are separated by fibrocartilaginous pads called intervertebral disks. The structure of the neck allows for high degrees of movement while also being very stable.
Injuries to the neck can occur suddenly during heavy overhead lifting, falling from a ladder, or hitting your head on a counter. However, neck injuries may also develop slowly over time due to repetitive lifting, carrying, or other straining of the neck.
Whether your injury happened suddenly or slowly over time, it’s recommended to contact your trusted healthcare professional for help. Seeking diagnosis and treatment for your injury not only improves your recovery process, but also gives vital supporting information to your workers’ compensation claim.