If you have been injured on the job, you face your fair share of challenges ahead, and workers’ compensation is intended to help by covering your medical expenses and lost earnings (up to a specific percentage). Obtaining the compensation to which you are entitled, however, can be complicated, and one of the factors that may be involved is the functional capacity evaluation. If you have a workers’ compensation claim, it is time to consult with an experienced Georgia workers’ compensation attorney.

The Functional Capacity Evaluation

The functional capacity evaluation amounts to a battery of mini-tests that are designed to assess how physically capable you are after the accident that leaves you injured. If you are deemed physically well enough, it may mean returning to work or returning to work on light duty. Better understanding these tests can help take the edge off and help ensure that you better understand the workers’ compensation process you are going through in general. The evaluation itself is likely to test your ability to do all of the following:

  • Walk
  • Lift objects of specific weights
  • Accomplish additional job-related physical activities

Why You May Be Required to Have a Functional Capacity Evaluation

There are a variety of reasons why your workers’ compensation claim may lead to a functional capacity evaluation (FCE), including:

  • Determining if you are eligible for disability (to prove that you are unable to perform regular work duties)
  • To evaluate the medical needs associated with your injuries
  • To determine if you are ready to return to work

If your employer has a company physician who is FCE certified, he or she may administer the evaluation, and if not, another certified medical professional will be assigned.

Don’t Wait to Consult with an Experienced Georgia Workers’ Compensation Attorney

You have been injured on the job, and you need just compensation. The trusted workers’ compensation attorneys at Gearhart Law – proudly serving both Atlanta and Roswell – recognize the importance of your claim and are committed to skillfully advocating for the compensation you need to regain your health and well-being. We’re on your side and here to help, so please don’t wait to contact or call us at 404 445 8370 for more information today.



Do I need a workers’ compensation attorney?

While you are not required to work with a workers’ comp attorney, you are well-advised to do so. Your attorney will skillfully strive to ensure that your rights are well protected throughout the process.

Can I afford a workers’ compensation attorney?

Your workers’ compensation attorney will very likely work on contingency, which means that you will pay him or her a prearranged portion of your settlement and won’t need to worry about payment until that time.

How much is my claim worth?

Your claim will be utterly unique to the details of your situation, but your dedicated workers’ compensation attorney will advocate compensation that covers your complete range of covered damages.