Foot and Ankle Injuries – Sprains & Strains

Foot and ankle injuries are another common workplace injury.  Sprains and strains are the most common workplace injuries.  Other common injuries at work include fractured bones, crush injuries or amputations.  The typical work injury causing foot and ankle issues are “slip & fall” and “repetitive use”.

Atlanta Foot and Ankle Injuries Attorney

Foot and Ankle Injuries – Treatment

Any foot injury can become extremely painful severe and limit your mobility. The recommended treatment will depend on the injury. If you suffer a fracture or bone break,  it may be necessary to undergo surgery to stabilize the bones.  Sprains and strains are treated conservatively with medications, physical therapy, and steroid injections.  Foot and ankle injuries can require surgery in the most severe cases.  It is important to see a knowledgeable doctor to assess the severity of your injury.  Also, if you see a lot of swelling, it is a good suggestion to visit a doctor.

Georgia Workers’ Compensation System

Unfortunately, it is complicated navigating the workers’ compensation panel of physicians.  The Georgia Workers’ Compensation system requires injured workers to select a doctor from a small panel of physicians.  In some cases, the panel will have valid doctors who understand your injury.  In other cases, the panel is invalid due to a variety of reasons.  It is important to speak with a workers’ compensation attorney to understand the rights of the injured worker.

Free Consultation

If you have a foot or ankle injury and need legal advice, contact a knowledgeable workers’ comp attorney in Atlanta.  Beth Gearhart listens and cares about her clients.  Beth is available every day to discuss your case and provide her option on your options.  She is dedicated to positive outcomes and only gets paid if you receive a settlement.  You do not need to pay anything upfront to discuss your case and explore your options.