TTD Benefit Changes

It has been a long time coming,  but effective July 1, 2019, any injuries on or after that date will be subject to a temporary total disability rate increase from $575.00 per week to $725.00 per week and a temporary partial disability rate will increase from $383.00 per week to $483.00 per week.  What does this mean exactly?  Any injuries sustained on or after July 1, 2019 are subject to this maximum.


What are Temporary Total Disability Payments? Temporary total disability benefits are owed when someone is taken off work completely or released to light-duty work and no light-duty work is available with the employer, if a claim is “compensable” or accepted and not “controverted” or denied. The maximum you can receive weekly “TTD” benefits is 400 weeks from the date of accident (unless your claim is deemed catastrophic.)


How is it calculated?  It is calculated by taking the 13 weeks prior to the date of the accident and determining the average subject to the maximum listed above.  Therefore, if someone is making $1,000.00 per week, they will now receive $666.00 per week whereas previously, they were subject to a maximum of $575.00 per week.


Temporary Partial Disability Payments may be due when someone is working, but at lower rate of pay due to the work injury. It may also be owed if the Temporary Total Disability Benefits have been reduced to “TPD” benefits pursuant to O.C.G.A. Sec. 34-9-104. This amount has been increased to a maximum of $483 per week from the previous maximum of $383 per week. The maximum you can receive “TPD” benefits is 350 weeks from the date of accident. 


This is one of the largest rate increases we have seen in quite some time and it is long overdue. You can find a list of the maximums here.